Mekong Delta Travel in Vietnam 2024
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Around Cao Lanh

Sights & Activities


Southeast of Cao Lanh and  accessible by boat tour is the  beautiful  52-hectare Xeo Quyt Forest (also called Rung Tram) near My Hiep village. One  vast swamp beneath a wonderful  thick canopy of tall trees and vines, it’s one of the final  natural  forests left in the Mekong Delta.

cao lanh eco tourism

During the wet  season a  marvellous 20-minute canoe tour (15,000d) takes you past old bunkers and former mine fields along narrow canals filled with ever-present dragonflies and choked with water hyacinths (luc binh). It’s an  wonderful  experience but splash on the repellent and try to get out by 4.30pm when the mozzies begin swarming. During the  sunny  season you can discover  this area  on foot.

cao lanh eco tourism

 The VC had a base here, where top-brass VC lived in under ground bunkers, during the American War. Only about 10 VC were here at any given time; they were all generals who directed the war from here, just 2km from a US military base. The Americans never knew  that the VC generals were living right under their noses. Of course , they thought  about that patch of  forest and periodically threw  some bombs on it to reassure themselves, but the VC was still  safe in their underground bunkers.

From My Hiep, you can hire a boat (around US$20, seating up to 10 people) that takes around 40 minutes to make the 2km journey to Xeo Quyt. Dong Thap Tourist includes a guided trip in a lot of  its tour programs.

cao lanh eco tourism

Tram Chim National Park NATURE RESERVE

( 7am-4pm) Tram Chim National Park is due north of Cao Lanh in Tam Nong district and  outstanding  for its eastern sarus cranes(Grus antigone sharpii). More than 220 species of bird have been identified within the reserve, but ornithologists will be most interested in these rare red-headed cranes, which grow to an  impressive 1.8m high.

 Seeing these birds, however, requires a considerable commitment (time, effort and money), so it’s strictly for enthusiasts.

cao lanh eco tourism

Birds nest here from about December to May; from June to November they  migrate to  northwest Cambodia, so  schedule your  journey to coordinate with the birds’ travel itinerary if you eager to  see them. The birds are early risers, so morning visits are  advised. During the day, they’re engaged in the important business of eating.

Tam Nong is a sleepy town 45km from Cao Lanh. The one-way drive takes  an hour or so by car. From Tam Nong it should take  another hour by tiny  boat (around 2,700,000d) to reach  the area  where the cranes live and another hour to  return. Add to this whatever time you spend (perhaps an hour) bird-watching (bring your own binoculars), it will be a unique experience , and then the requisite two hours to  return to Cao Lanh,  depending on your type  of travel . There are not many  rudimentary  guesthouses in Tam Nong if you  decide to stay late or hit the park early. Tam Nong sleeps  early so if you decide  to eat dinner in Tam Nong , make arrangements not later than  5pm.

cao lanh eco tourism



Mekong Delta Travel 1, 2 and 3 Days – Mekong River Vietnam